Monday, June 27, 2011

Alice's Summerthing.

June 26th.
San Francisco.
Golden Gate Park.

Good hangs with:


Molly & Eliza!


The boyfriend!

Live music from:

Andrew Allen


Michelle Branch

Matt Nathanson!


It was a really loooong day. The BF and I woke up at 5am, to leave by 6am. We got stuck in construction traffic and finally made it to SF by 9am. (It was Gay Pride Day so we left early to make sure we didn't get stuck downtown, because they were closing off some streets beginning at 8am.) Hiked it out to GG Park, and met up with my ladies.

Parachute & Matt Nathanson are two of my top five bands/musicians, so I was a little worried the BF wouldn't like them. Also, in my almost-400-concert-attendance, I've never brought along anyone I was dating to a show, so it was all new to me. Good news: he likes Matt Nathanson (he's had one of his songs stuck in his head for the past few days actually...) but he formed his own little man crush obsession with OneRepublic! So, it was a good day for both of us. ;)

The show stated at noon, and was over by 4:30pm. Made it out of the city/on the road by 5:30, and after stopping for dinner halfway back at Fresh Choice (mmmmm, salad bar!) we were home by 8:30.

We were surprisingly awake for being up for so long (or so we thought!) so a little before 10, we were getting settled into bed to watch a movie. Yeah, no. Somehow we totally both conked out! I woke up close to 1am a little disoriented, haha!

This morning the boy kept talking about OneRepublic. I think I created a monster...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tasty Thursdays.

I believe Thursdays are becoming my favorite day of the week, solely for the fact that I get a CSA box delivered.

This weeks box included:

mixed lettuces
Tokyo turnips
“baby” golden beets
mei quin choy
shiitake mushrooms from Far West Fungi
: which was lil green squashes! in odd shapes!

The box was HUGE this week! I share with one of my co-workers, and I'm glad we split everything up, because I'm not even sure if I can finish my half of it before next week!

This is my portion of fennel:

Um...what does one DO with tubberwear bigger than your face full of fennel??