Monday, January 24, 2011

You spin me right round baby, right round...

In the last few weeks, I have been extremely busy.

Besides being busy, moving into a new apartment, dating a new boy & being sick for almost two full weeks, I haven't had time to/have motivation to work out. Fail on my part.

But, this past Saturday I decided I was jumping back on the saddle. My new roommate & I woke up at 7am (on my day off, I might add) and headed over to our friends' fitness center to try a spin class. They were having an open house that day, so everything was free. SCORE!

Woah, baby. I've heard it was tough, and I now believe it! My ass STILL hurts two days later from the seat. Couldn't they make the seat a LITTLE more comfortable, so while you're pedaling to your hearts content, your ass isn't taking all the pain? Yeah. Ouch. Besides the sore booty, surprisingly my legs didn't feel like dead weights when I woke up yesterday morning. I guess all that lifting and squatting while moving kept those nice and strong. ;) I had been wanting to try a spin class for a LONG time now, so I'm glad I finally tested the waters!

Talk to me: Whats your favorite classes to take at the gym? I'm thinking of joining some sort of gym in the next few weeks or so once I get situated.