Thursday, March 10, 2011

March Madness.

I need internet at home. Truely. I swear once I get a connection I'll blog to my little hearts content.

I've officially dubbed March "Get Hot Month"

February, I will admit, was a not so good month. I gave in to treats & sweets & Valentine Day red dye #10 candies galore. I had no motivation. I don't know how many days I hit the snooze button and said, "I'll start my new routine tomorrow."

The scale proved that to be no bueno.

But March! I have been working out like its my second job. Some days I've found myself doing "two-a-days". I. FEEL. AWESOME. I was down 1.6 lbs in my first week!

I've got to keep it up. In 5 weeks I'll be meeting Jillian Michaels again (squeeeeeeel) and in 7 I'll be on another cruise, once again. Some of this jiggle needs to jig less. I want to look GOOD for my girl crush! ;) Plus, jiggle isn't cute if I want to be parading around in a bathing suit!

So, two followers of mine + whoever else may be reading this, CHEER ME ON! I need it.